Riverside County Registrar of Voters

Elections Assistant from March 2020 - Nov 2020

  • Assist in the sorting and filing of mail-in-ballots.

  • Ensure the security of ballots by following protocol to maintain the integrity of the elections.

  • Work with the department’s team to delegate tasks and responsibilities so that the sorting and counting all happens in a timely manner.

My experience at the Riverside County employees of Voters was an insightful one.

My work ethic put me in a position where I was relied upon to not only train other employees, but I was also tasked with developing an efficient system to productively sort incoming ballots so that citizens can have their votes tallied in a timely manner.

Working in a team of about 20, I witnessed first hand the intricacies of civic engagement, proper delegation, and total quality management.

In any workplace, I have come to understand, there is a need for a consensus amongst employees about the meaning of the work they do. This not only applies to positions in which an employee is involved in an essential democratic process. Total Quality Management describes a necessity for all persons in a business to prioritize the quality of service given to their clientele.

At the Riverside County Registrar of Voters, thousands of citizens were relying on the proper handling and processing of sensitive voter information. Total Quality Management in this case meant an understanding of that responsibility, and a fulfillment of our duty to democracy.